CoordiMate Yellow
Sold Out
CoordiMate is shipped free of charge within the continental U.S from our Southern California warehouse. Delivery may take 2-7 days. All items currently leave our warehouse within 1-2 business days.

We offer a 14-day return policy. Please contact us for return notification. Return shipping costs are responsibility of the buyer.
Returns will be accepted within 14 days of receipt of product. Product must be post dated within this time frame to be properly processed.
If you are in any way unsatisfied with your Coordimate, you are welcome to send it back to us within 14 days of receiving the item.
To make a return: Send item to Returns-LoTec Enterprises Inc, C.O Promotional Fulfillment Services, 10314 Birtcher Dr. Mira Loma California 91752.
If for any reason you should decide to return your Coordimate, we would love to know why and how we may improve our product to better suit your graphing needs.

Your feedback is appreciated and will be rewarded!
Please drop us a line at if you have any concerns or comments you would like to share with us. A representative will get back to you within 48 hours. In the unlikely event you receive defective merchandise, please contact us for a full and immediate refund.

CoordiMate is a self inking, quick drying, pocket size graph stamp that coordinates seamlessly with any standard graphing paper. CoordiMate is made of recyclable materials and non toxic butterfly ink. CoordiMate is just over 2.5 inches in diameter and 1 inch in height, allowing it to easily fit in most pencil cases. (comes with one free cheat sheet sticker)